Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Jesse's Big Bang

Today was a great day in jesse's volunteer life. Having started community meetings last fall and working though to this spring on a Peace Corps Wheat Fund project today was the opening ceremony.

Let me back up and explain. Wheat fund is availabe in some countries where USAID serves. They designate an amount to Peace Corp for them to grant to volunteers for community projects. Jesse applied for and recieved this grant. It was for $2000 USD, with the community providing 25% in matching funds (which they met and exceeded!). The idea for the project came from area health workers. They identified our container (black) market as an area that needs to be cleaned up. So the project entailed getting a big garbage can (like half a ton) made and installed, 12 smaller garbage cans placed around the market area, implementing regular trash pickup of the big canister, and hiring 5 new garbage workers to pick up the trash, sort it, and generally keep the market areas clean. They also trained 20 new health volunteers and are opening an environmental health resource room in the market.

Today kicked off the beginning of their campaign. Radio & TV covered the event and the aimag governor and arvaikheer governor as well as jesse all spoke today. It was pretty cool. I was very proud. They were able to distribute many posters as well.

Jesse wanted to leave his mark on arvaikheer and finish his service with a bang. This accomplished both.

Thats all from us.


At 3:37 AM, Blogger Cate & Wayne said...

A great project to finish up with, and we can identify with the garbage problem because we have lots of it in Togo, too! We're going to our COS conference in just 2 days...YEA! Sorry we'll miss seeing you in WA. We'll get back Aug. 12. It would have been great to sit down and compare experiences. Safe journey home. Cate and Wayne, Togo


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