Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The darndest thing happened....

This morning, after feeding our cute but not smart puppies, Jesse and I headed off to work. Half way out of the hashaa jesse spots something out of the corner of his eye...a HUGE door. It was so random and so awesome. We were able to snap a couple of pictures before our camera died so i will pass those along as soon as the batteries recharge.

This camel is large. And he was tied up right next to our fence. He was lying down, still saddled, just chillin. He had sweat frozen to his fur so perhaps he just rode in that morning. He wasn't there last night!

It was just one of those cool moments that don't happen everywhere. Reminds me that I am living in Mongolia and liking it.

Hope all is well in your camel free lives. Cheers.


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